SIR contributes to avoiding the emission of 38 tons of Co2 into the air monthly.
Not only we give a second life to used plastic, we also work to optimize energy consumption and eliminate waste.
This is why SIR has invested in the installation of a trigeneration system that increases energy efficiency up to 80% when, as a rule, this value is around 40 50% in thermal power plants.
This ecological process brings with it evident benefits and allows us to position ourselves among the most virtuous companies talking about green economy.
To date, SIR, 5 months after the installation of the trigeneration plant, has contributed to avoiding the emission of 193 tons of Co2 into the air.
A quantity comparable to:
- the total amount of CO2 absorbed by 64 trees in their life cycle
- the exhaust dispersed into the environment from a car after traveling over 2 million km
- the pollution produced in order to supply energy for 54 families in one year
SIR cares about the environment in all its aspects.
(Data source: Progetto Europeo LIFE Gaia; Direttiva UE 443/2009; Autorità di Regolazione Energia Reti e Ambiente (ARERA), 2018)